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Fishsaverpro is an engineered descending device for fish that need to be returned after being caught in deep water and are suffering from decompression or Barotrauma.

Fishsaverpro Fish Descending Device

An Extremely versatile fish descending device

Thank you for buying our Fishsaverpro device. This is an extremely versatile fish descending device. It is small and can be used both singularly or ganged for multiple returns. The weight can also be adjusted to match fish size and return depth. It takes little space in your tackle box. See our website for more information Use it with any large weights in your tackle box…up to 3 size 12 or 16-ounce snapper sinkers work well.
Fishsaverpro is the Quick way to get fish back safely to conserve stocks and ensure the future of recreational fishing for us all.
Many species caught in just 20 meters (60 feet) look ok but they can’t get back or stay down and die later.


  • 70% of all fish caught are returned to the water as undersize or over the catch limit.
  • Fish returned to depth by a weighted device have a very high survival rate. (85% survival is documented).
  • Fish with barotrauma cannot return to depth unaided and will die on the surface or are taken by sharks and birds.
  • Many species of Fish returned to stay in that area.
  • Fish that are vented often die from internal damage.
  • Sharks often learn to follow boats to get a free feed.

What is Barotrauma in fish?

Myth :

Barotrauma in fish is the expansion of the swim bladder due to a change in pressure as fish are brought up from depth. The best method of treating this is by using a venting needle pushed through the side of the fish and releasing it.


Barotrauma in fish is the expansion of ALL gasses within the fish including the swim bladder due to a change in pressure as fish are brought up from depth. The greater the depth the worse and more traumatic the effect of barotrauma.
  1. This condition is extremely traumatic and treatment time is critical.
  2. The expansion of gasses entrapped within the flesh and body of the fish can only be treated by recompression and the fish returning to depth.
  3. These expanded gasses make the fish buoyant and float. In this condition, fish are unable to return to depth without assistance.
  4. NOAA studies showed that fish being dropped by a descending device do not struggle and move quickly which did not attract predators such as sharks. Contrary to this returned fish that were released on the surface and were struggling sent vibrations that were extremely attractive to sharks.

Why is Fishsaverpro the best choice of release weight for you and the fish


Months were spent on finding durable and high-quality materials and a manufacturer that could supply a high standard of product with good corrosion resistance without compromising the required strength and springiness of the steel. Due to the design and steel type, each hook has a large component which is done manually including the final sharpening of the hook and assembly with the swivels.


Fishsaverpro is designed to optimize the load of the weight through the hook whilst avoiding inflexible long sections that could act as a lever. This design minimizes stress and damage to the fish. The size is compact and the units are modular to allow the use of variable weights and ganging if required.


Fishsaverpro is compact and small and can be carried easily within your tackle box. It takes no more space than a 100mm (4-inch) lure.


The weight is both removable and adjustable. The weight can swivel freely making the Fishsaverpro much safer and easier to handle and store than a rigid release weight.


As each end of the hook and the weight are connected by a high-quality swivel joint and each fish has its own hook, the rig and hooks are easily placed through the lip of the fish with a reduced risk in terms of damage to the fish or handler.


More than one Fishsaverpro can be quickly and easily “Ganged” or joined together to allow more than one fish to be lowered with each fish on its own hook.


Video footage shows fish panicking when restrained past their recovery depth. Restrained struggling fish on a lip grip encourage predator attack and damage to the mouth of the fish. With a hook device, there is nothing to fail or damage the fish. The fish can wriggle free once recovered.


It is possible to adjust the weight you are attaching to your Fishsaverpro as the large split ring will take a number of 12 or 16-oz snapper weights. Some fishermen prefer to hang the weights from a short length of parachute or bunjy cord as they find this easier to lower and release fish, especially with high-sided boats. Some people also prefer to use zip ties to attach the weights as it is quicker to add and remove the weights.

Do you know about this?

Please Note:

The Fishsaverpro hook design is patented and as such cannot be copied or sold without our permission. Fishsaverpro products are part of the Sustainable Recreation Brand and are protected both by copyright and trademark law. The Fishsaverpro concept is that all reef fishermen have large weights for deep dropping and as such weights are not included with the device.

Need more information or want to share your experiences:

Should you wish to please don’t hesitate and we would really appreciate it if you would share your experiences and photos with us.
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