Fish Descending Device

Fishsaverpro is a patented descending device for fish that need to be returned after being caught in deep water and are suffering from decompression or Barotrauma.

Why The Fishsaver Project?

A critical factor for the sustainability of recreational fishing and boating?

Preservation Of Fish Stocks

  • Due to information sharing on the internet and improved sounder technology fishermen have become better hunters and catch numbers have increased tremendously.
  • Due to bycatch, keep, and size restrictions an estimated 70% of fish caught are returned.
  • Due to barotrauma in fish caught from depth, most will die near the surface and will be taken by predators including sharks.
  • Fishsaverpro returns fish to depth quickly and scientists’ data show that release at depth can have up to an 85% survival rate.
  • Most fish released at depth will stay in that area and remain part of that fish resource.
  • Venting, although better than nothing, has been found to be high risk for the fish and many fish will die later  due to internal damage
  • A Tag and Release philosophy needs to replace the  Catch and Kill philosophy. This is the strongest science-driven weapon we have to counter green pressure to reduce recreational fishing. freedom.

The Green Threat

  • A large portion of the green movement sees fishing as a barbaric and cruel attack on creatures of the sea that needs to be stopped.
  • The greens are pushing to stop recreational fishing and increase no-fish zones as they claim fish stocks are being depleted and won’t be able to recover.
  • It is every rec fisherman’s responsibility to follow a balanced scientific approach to the harvesting of fish. This is essential to counter growing radical pressure to discredit fishing as a sport and to stop the amount of Green Zones closed to boaters and fishermen.
  • Having a sustainable tag and release program whilst working with fisheries on obtaining data from by-catch is an extremely strong weapon to counter anti-fishing hysteria.
  • Being able to return fish to depth quickly with a high recovery rate shows a strong commitment to monitoring and maintaining fish stocks.

Men In Grey – The Tax Collector

  • Sharks have many names including the tax collector. They are extremely smart and opportunistic feeders and become dangerous once they become complacent around boats as feed opportunities.
  • Increasing numbers of pro fishermen have reported that sharks approach and follow boats once they hear the motors.
  • Where sharks are around a boat many fishermen don’t bother to fish as they know anything caught will be mutilated
  • Sharks feed by attacking fish being reeled in and bycatch that has been thrown back.
  • Fish that are unable to return to depth are a major problem as they will often flounder near the surface or die near the boat attracting predators.
  • The reasons for the shark problem are debatable, however, the seriousness of the shark issue is blatant.
  • Swimmers being attacked around boats and small watercraft being followed and harassed by sharks has become commonplace.

Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us

Fishsaverpro is an engineered descending device for fish that need to be returned after being caught in deep water and are suffering from decompression or Barotrauma.


The wide clip allows the angler to remove and change weights as required. This combined with the dual swivels makes handling the product safe and easy.

User And Fish-friendly

The rig and hooks are easily placed through the lip of the fish with a reduced risk in terms of damage to the fish or handler.


Marine-grade excellence: Materials used to last for a lifetime. Uncompromising quality in every product.

Engineered Design

Fishsaverpro is designed to optimize the load and minimize stress and damage to the fish.

*Does Not Include Weights

Why use NOAA Information?

NOAA Has the most comprehensive data studies in the world on deep-release techniques and trauma recovery with survival statistics.

This Data has been built over 20 years and covers both the east and west coasts of the USA. Their data is conclusive and has resulted in it being now mandatory on the East Coast for Rec fishers to carry a release device.

Depending on species and ocean temperatures NOAA is reporting 80% – 85 % full recovery with descending devices against less than 20% for fish released on the surface. Repeat recaptures are common. For us to maintain the standard of fishing we have now and avoid further restrictions going into the future it is essential we follow their lead.

Thank You Note: A note of appreciation to the many members of NOAA and Sea Grant for their support and contribution of ideas, research data, and images used for the development of Fishsaverpro and used on this website.

The contribution of NOAA and Sea Grant research in helping to reduce loss through Barotrauma and maintain and grow fish stocks so that we can have a sustainable recreational fishery in the future should not be underestimated.

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Common fishing questions and answers

Early morning and late evening are often the best times to fish because fish are more active and feeding. However, the best time can vary depending on the species you’re targeting, the season, and the weather conditions.
The type of gear you need depends on the type of fishing you’re doing. For freshwater fishing, a light or medium spinning rod and reel combo is versatile. For saltwater fishing, you’ll need heavier gear to handle larger fish and more challenging conditions.

Bait and lures vary by species. Common baits include worms, minnows, and crickets for freshwater fishing. In saltwater, live bait like shrimp or cut bait can be effective. Lures range from spinners to crankbaits and jigs. It’s a good idea to research what works best for the specific fish you’re targeting.

The right fishing line depends on the type of fishing and the fish you’re targeting. For freshwater fishing, monofilament or fluorocarbon lines are popular, with line strengths ranging from 4 to 20 pounds. For saltwater fishing, a stronger line like braided or heavy-duty monofilament is often used.

Catch and release is a practice where you release a fish back into the water after catching it, rather than keeping it. This helps preserve fish populations and allows others to enjoy fishing. It’s important to handle the fish carefully and release it promptly to ensure its survival.

es, most places require a fishing license or permit. Regulations vary by location, so check with your local wildlife or fisheries department to ensure you have the proper licensing and to understand any specific rules or regulations.

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